Meet Kristi

Messages from Ramadear
Available March 1, 2023
What began as a practice in automatic writing quickly turned into something bigger – much bigger. An entity named Ramadear started channeling the most amazing messages through me. I asked if he was a guide of mine and he said that no, he was a guide of our planet. I was to ask questions and Ramadear would answer in a way that I and the modern human could understand. The result is this book; Messages From Ramadear…a collective hope for humanity.
Kristi Pederson
Kristi Pederson is an internationally known psychic medium, author, and public speaker who specializes in helping people discover who they are so they can stand in their own power and live the life their soul intended them to live.
Kristi began her own journey into the world of metaphysics in 1976 but in 2010 made a commitment to herself to heal no matter what that looked like including body, mind, and spirit in her current life as well as past-life trauma affecting this life. That also meant going public with her gifts of being a psychic medium and Reiki Master. She has never looked back.
Her first book was published in 2010 and titled An Extraordinary Life. Another major step in healing was to write and publish her second book in 2019 titled We Are Not Alone…my extraterrestrial contact. Shortly after her book was released, she was contacted by a film company proposing a documentary about her experiences with alien contact. Filming was completed and is scheduled for the premier date of January 13, 2023 at the Benson Theater in Omaha NE. Additional showings on February 5, 2023 and March 10, 2023.
While in sessions with clients, Kristi noticed a pattern. More and more people were having paranormal experiences and didn’t know what to do with what was happening to them. Those experiences included contact with deceased loved ones, psychic predictions, or even alien contact. Mostly clients were just tired of living a life they thought others expected them to live. They were ready for change in their lives but didn’t know how to make those changes or even what those changes might be. This prompted the writing of her third book Between Earth and Heaven…a beginner’s guide to living a spiritual life.
Kristi compassionately works with individuals to help them understand how they got to where they are today and how to make permanent, healthy, and happy changes in their lives and step into the power that is theirs waiting to be claimed.
As a public speaker she addresses groups of all sizes with the same compassion she has for individuals.
She has been featured on several podcasts including Meeting the Masters out of Sedona, AZ, Follow the Woo out of Los Angeles, CA, Bloop out of Omaha, NE, and Breathe Love and Light out of CT. She has been speaking publicly for more than 30 years. To book Kristi as a speaker for your event contact click on Her Extraordinary Life from the menu page and go to speaker request form.